You may not know where your education is going to take you, but you have a sense of who you want to become—someone who goes their own way.
Visit Villa
Events at Villa.
Individual Visit
See for yourself by scheduling a personal tour of Villa Maria College. You’ll meet one-on-one with an admissions representative, tour campus and get a feel for what life is like as a Villa Viking. Villa Maria College resumed in-person visits as of June 8, 2020. The College will be practicing physical distancing and will have PPE on-hand for all visitors.
Schedule a Virtual Visit
COVID has changed the way we visit your school, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still meet. Virtual Admissions Visits are now an option for high school students and college transfers who want to learn more about the College without physically coming to campus. Virtual Visits will have the same personal touch as in-person visits. You and an admissions counselor will chat about your program(s) of interest, take a virtual campus tour, begin your application, and answer any additional questions you may have.
Do you prefer an in-person visit? Us too! We are happy to offer in-person campus visits in addition to our virtual option! See above to schedule an in-person visit. Physical distancing and facial coverings are required.
Join the Family.
There’s a lot of pressure to know what’s next. We’re here to say, it’s OK if you’re still figuring it out. In fact, it’s great. Villa is a place where that kind of continual discovery is prized. Because going to college isn’t about having it all figured it out. It’s about inventing who you’re going to become. You’ll see.